We are committed to developing a personalized, competency based model of instruction in SAU9. Core curriculum materials include Lucy Calkin's Units of Study for both reading and writing at the elementary level. For mathematics, educators incorporate a variety of research-based materials to help students demonstrate our math competencies. Those resources include materials from Mathematical Mindsets, Ready Common Core, EveryDay Math, YouCubed, and NCTM. Science, social studies, and unified arts units of study are developed by educators using a variety scientifically based resources aligned to standards.
At Kennett High School, educators have developed enduring understandings that are at the core of all learning. These enduring understandings represent what we expect all students to understand as a result of their time at Kennett. Each course has its own specific enduring understandings that are connected to the global ones. Curriculum design follows an "Understanding by Design" approach, where teachers begin with standards to clarify the learning goals, develop assessments to show student understanding and then craft learning activities that will allow students to achieve the goals.
Kennett High School Enduring Understandings
Students will understand……..
- Cooperation, rights, respect, empathy, and responsibility create an orderly and productive learning environment, establishing the foundation for citizenship.
- Literacy in all its forms is an important lifelong skill.
- Critical thinking is necessary to gaining new perspectives.
- Continually developing a strong work ethic is vital for individuals to achieve success.
- Modern global society is a result of the connections and interactions between people, culture, events, both past and present.
- Technology is a tool that can be used for collecting, organizing, creating and presenting information.
- Solving problems requires the application of technology, math, reading and writing skills.
- Active learning occurs through collaboration, observation, effective communication, taking risks and overcoming setbacks.
Mathematical and scientific models and reasoning are necessary to collect, represent, analyze and interpret data.
- Positive self-image can be developed through wellness, creativity and leisure.
Student learning is assessed in many formal and informal ways. At all levels, through the use of common assessments teachers are able to monitor individual student learning. Educators are developing skill in creating and implementing performance tasks. Additional tools for monitoring growth and achievement include the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessments for reading, common writing prompts and NWEA. At the middle and high school levels, departments have created common assessments based upon units of instruction. The NH Statewide Assessment System (NH SAS) is one standardized tool used to monitor student growth towards the Common Core State Standards for students in grades 3 through 8. At Pine Tree School they are using the NH PACE system (Performance Assessment for Competency Education), replacing NH SAS in many grades and subject areas. At the high school, all juniors will take the SAT to meet state and federal accountability requirements.