School Administrative Unit #9

Background Checks

Background Check

In accordance with NH RSA189-13a, SAU#9 requires all staff, substitutes, volunteers and contracted service providers to complete a criminal history records check through the NH Criminal Records Unit, with results received at the SAU#9 office, BEFORE they will be approved for hire and/or allowed in schools. 



  1. Schedule an appointment at a NH State Police Barracks (ex: Troop E) using the portal and instructions below. (Payment by credit card will be collected online when appointment is made.)

     - Online CHRI Appointment Portal

     - Instructions

    *If you are not able to use the online appointment portal, contact the SAU#9 office at 603-447-8368 for alternative options.

   2. GET PRINTED at location and time selected.

     3. DONE!
         Background check results will be sent directly to the SAU #9 office.


PLEASE NOTE: You will need your appointment confirmation (email or printed) and an ID with you when you go to your fingerprinting appointment. Please allow up to 4 weeks for fingerprint submissions to be processed.

State Police Criminal
History Records Check Fees

Type of Background Check FBI & NH Clearance Fee 
Employee/Substitute/Contracted Service $47.00
Volunteer $20.00


Volunteer & Substitute Information

SAU#9 relies heavily on volunteers to support our co-curricular activities as well as field trips, ESSC program and in-classroom projects.  If you are interested in volunteering: (1.) Start your background check (2.) Complete the form below and return them to the SAU#9 office. Volunteer packets are also available at the SAU#9 office. **Please note, if you are volunteering for a specific activity/event, please start your paperwork no less than 4 weeks prior to the event to allow for your background check results to arrive.

All substitute paperwork, including the your background check results must be on file at the SAU#9 office before you can be added to the list. If you are interested in becoming a substitute at any one of our 7 schools:
(1.) Start your background check
(2.) Complete the forms below and return them to the SAU#9 office. Substitute packets are also available at the SAU#9 office.

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