School Administrative Unit #9

Track Changes, Conferences & Course Reimbursement

How To...


Overview of Steps


Track Change

In order to advance educational tracks you must submit a track change request.  Track changes are due to the SAU9 office no later than November 1st
(Dec. 1st for BEA)
, for a change to occur in the following school year.

At the start of the school year, if you have earned the correct number of credits for a change, you will be moved to the appropriate track. (Official transcripts must be submitted to the Superintendent's Office by October 1 of that year to confirm credits earned.)  

If you have not yet earned enough credits at that time, but do so by February 1 of the next year, you may request the change to take place at that time.  However, you must have submitted the initial request by the November 1 or December 1 date of the prior year depending upon your contract. Mid-year track changes will be pro-rated to the effective date.


Track Change Request Form

*See your CBA for full details

Conference & Workshop

1. Complete the online Conference Request Form. The form will automatically be sent to your Principal/Administrator and SAU office for approval. *You will receive an email confirmation once it has been fully approved.

2. Register for the conference *Keep receipts for proof of payment

3. Go to the conference

4. NEW:  AFTER the conference is over, submit the Conference
Payment Request Form
. On this form you will need to upload:
           1. Itemized receipts
           2. Attendance certificate and/or other proof of attendance

5. Your reimbursement check will be issued


Conference Request Form

2. Conference
Payment Request Form




1. Submit your Course Reimbursement Request Form. The form will automatically be sent to your Principal/Administrator and SAU office for approval. *You will receive an email confirmation once it has been fully approved.

2. Register for the course. Keep proof of your registration and payment.

3. Take the course.

4. AFTER your course ends, submit the Course Reimbursement Payment Request Form. On this form you will need to upload:
        1. Grade Report (official transcripts are NOT needed)
        2. Proof of payment/cost

5. Your reimbursement check will be issued

SESSIONS DEFINED: *based on the END date of the course
SUMMER:         Ending between 07/01 - 08/31 (submissions open March 1st)
FALL:                Ending between 09/01 - 12/31 (submissions open June 1st)
SPRING:           Ending between 01/01 - 06/30 (submissions open Oct. 1st)

There are limits to the number of credits for which you can be reimbursed each year, and at different times during the year:  
CEA - up to 12 credits per year/up to 8 credits per session 
CESP - up to 8 credits per contract year
AFSCME - up to 4 credits per year
BEA - up to 12 credits per year if the educator is enrolled in a degree or certificate program, up to 6 credits if the educator is not
Bartlett (Noncontracted) - up to 8 credits per year
Jackson (Contracted) - up to 2 graduate courses per year
Jackson (Noncontracted) - up to one course per year
*Most contracts and agreement reimburse at a maximum of the UNH per credit hour cost. 


1.  Course Reimbursement Request Form

2.  Payment Request Form.

District Certification Renewal Forms 


  1. Please note: you must be recommended by the Superintendent for renewal upon review of your professional development before you can renew your certification online.

  2. All renewals must be done before June 30th. Renewals after June 30th will be charged a $50.00 late fee by the DOE.
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