Frequently Asked Questions
Please refer to your Negotiated Agreement / Personnel Policy
I'm getting married. How do I adjust my health insurance?
If you are planning to go on to your spouse's health insurance, you are eligible to receive a health waiver. This means your school district will pay you money.
Forms to complete in this situation:
If you are adding your spouse to your insurance, you must do so within 30 days of marriage, or wait until open enrollment the following July. Insurance takes effect the first of the month following your wedding date. (For example, if you get married on March 15, insurance will take affect April 1.) Please note that insurance cards take approximately two weeks for delivery after your application has been submitted to the insurance company.
Forms to complete in this situation:
I'm having / adopting a child. What do I need to do?
If you are planning to take a child care leave, you must write a letter to your supervisor informing them of your request for leave as well as your anticipated dates of absence. The leave will go to the School Board for approval.
If you are adding a dependent to your insurance, you must do so within 30 days of birth or adoption, or wait until open enrollment the following July.
I'm moving. What do I need to do?
If you are moving it is important to update your address with the SAU office, as well as your insurance providers and the retirement system.
Forms to complete in this situation:
I have an ill family member for whom I need to care and will be out of work more than five days. What do I need to do?
If you will be out for more than five days to care for an ill family member, whether those days are consecutive or cumulative, you may be eligible to access FMLA. Please visit our FMLA page for more information. FMLA will run concurrently with any sick time you may use. As always, please let your building principal or supervisor know if you expect to be out so that coverage can be arranged.
I have an illness/injury that will require me to be out for five or more days. What do I need to do?
If you have an illness or injury that will require you to be out of work for five or days, whether those days are consecutive or cumulative, you may be eligible to access FMLA. Please refer to the FMLA page for more information. As always, please let your building principal or supervisor know if you expect to be out so that coverage can be arranged.
I now qualify for a track change. What do I need to do?
If you anticipate you will qualify for a track change, you must notify the Superintendent's Office. If you are a Conway employee, notification must occur by November 1 of the year preceding that in which the change will occur. If you are a Bartlett employee, notification must occur by December 1 of the year preceding that in which the change will occur. In September of that year, if you have earned the correct number of credits for a change, you will be moved to the appropriate track. (Proof of credits earned must be submitted to the Superintendent's Office by October 1 of that year.) If you have not yet earned enough credits at that time, but do so by February 1 of the next year, you may qualify for a track change then. Again, you must submit proof of credits. Mid-year track changes will be pro-rated to the effective date. Track Change Form
I'm ready to retire. What do I need to do?
If you’re ready to retire you must write a letter to your supervisor informing them of your intent to retire and be certain to indicate the specific date of retirement. Be certain to check your personnel policies and/or collective bargaining agreements for critical deadlines (particularly for those who are considering early retirement).
Upon retirement, if you meet your respective eligibility requirements, you, your spouse and eligible family members may remain on the District’s health insurance plan with variable amounts of contribution depending on your group. If you do not meet the eligibility requirements for District contributions you may still keep your health insurance at your expense.
If you or your spouse is over 65 at the time of your retirement, you should contact Social Security at least 60 days before your retirement. The purpose is to enroll anyone over 65 onto Medicare, and those individuals would also be eligible for the District’s Medicare Supplement plan SEE MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT APPLICATIONS HERE. If one or both of you are NOT over 65 you can simply remain on your same plan (although you’ll receive a new card for being on an -65 retiree group).
If you have questions, please email Mike Wade at [email protected]
I'm/my spouse is turning 65. What do I need to do?
If you’re still employed and your spouse is covered under your health insurance, you don't need to do anything, regardless of who is turning 65.
If you're retired, you should contact social security approximately 60 days prior to you or your spouse turning 65. The person turning 65 will be enrolled in Medicare A&B and they will send you a Medicare card.
If one of you is under 65 and one is turning 65, you'll need to fill out two forms. The under 65 subscriber will fill out a regular health insurance form (usually HMO) and downgrade to a single. The person turning 65 will fill out the Medicare Supplement form. You will need to send both forms and a copy of the Medicare A&B card to the SAU#9 office. The person turning 65 will get a new insurance card from our carrier.
If one of you is already over 65, and on the Medicare Supplement plan, you only need to fill out the Medicare Supplement form for the person turning 65. Send that form and a copy of the Medicare A&B card to the SAU#9 office. The person turning 65 will get a new insurance card from our insurance carrier.
The SAU#9 offices will notify you of any premium changes due to changes in health plans.